We have many diverse groups and ministries at St. Ann’s Parish, and lots of ways to get involved. Listed below are the leaders of some our principal parish organizations. You may contact them to get more information about their specific programs.
Extraordinary Minister of Communion
To assist the priest as required in the distribution of the Eucharist during Sunday Masses. Ministers are provided with a schedule and are responsible for finding their own replacements. Contact: Linda Dayler
Minister of the Word
To proclaim the First or Second Reading at Sunday Mass. Ministers are provided with a schedule and are responsible for finding their own replacements.
Contact: David Dayler
Altar Servers
Starting in Grade Four and continuing into high school, young parishioners assist the priest by serving at Sunday Masses. Servers are provided with a schedule. It is very important to keep the schedule in order that our Liturgies may be beautiful, dignified and flow seamlessly. It is important that if you unable to keep you scheduled time that you find a replacement.
Music Coordinator
Leads the congregation in singing at Sunday Masses and other special occasions as well as coordinate the various choirs.
Contact: Philip Sarabura
St. Ann’s Parish has two Saturday evening 5:00pm contemporary choirs, Sunday 9:00am traditional choir, and Sunday 11am contemporary choir.
Contact: Philip Sarabura
Ministry of Care
The Ministry of Care Team is a group of people who have been trained and commissioned in the name of the Holy Spirit to bring compassion, understanding and spiritual support in the name of the parish community to the sick, dying, aged and homebound in our community. The Minister of Care also brings awareness of the suffering members of the parish to the community as a whole. The Minister of Care is the “gift bearer” from parishioner to parishioner sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to need.
Contact: Linda Dayler
Altar Society
The Liturgy is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. Ensuring that our Liturgies are celebrated in a dignified way, the Altar Society clean the church and Sacristy as well wash and change altar linens.
Baptismal Preparation
Parents are required to take the mandatory Baptism Preparation Program, which consists of two classes, one on a Tuesday evening at 7pm and the other on a Sunday at 1pm . Contact Parish office for more information.
Children’s Liturgy Volunteer
To share the Word of God with children in Junior Kindergarten to Grade Three by leading Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11am Sunday Mass.
Contact: Amanda Foderaro
Young Adults Group
Our parish strives to welcome all young adults who desire to come closer to Christ. Check out our Instagram page – https://www.instagram.com/st.annsyoungadultsgroup/
Contact: Dana Tucci
Decorating Committee
Decorates the Church for Feasts and Solemnities.
Contact: David Dayler
Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight – Michael Moss – Knights Website
Parish Advisory Council
To advise the pastor on pastoral matters affecting the life of the parish.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
To assist the pastor in the formation of those inquiring about becoming Catholic by attending weekly meetings with candidates. For more information contact: David Dayler
St. Ann’s Bereavement Committee
Provides hospitality and luncheons for funerals held in the parish.
St. Vincent de Paul
To serve the poor, underprivileged, marginalized of Ancaster and the Hamilton area. Volunteers visit poor families in their homes and give assistance through food vouchers, clothing, furniture etc. Volunteers also work at the SVDP store in Hamilton.